Chakra's, crystal's, and my bracelet
Got this beautiful bracelet a few weeks back from a farmers market. It is like a "chakra" bracelet. I asked the vendor to please write down each crystal that is on my bracelet.
I want to also include the symbolism of the chakras and crystals. I found SO many meanings for chakra's I'll include as much as I can.
Root chakra (basic trust)
Main issue: survival, physical needs, tribal, association.
Plexus/glands: L5-S5, lumbar and coccygeal plexus, adrenals.
Related functions: adrenals, fight/flight, response, bones/skeletal, structure.
Honors the earth.
Coral: Passion and nature. Coral is of organic origin. Coral can be used to reconnect with nature and its variety of wonders. Coral also attracts love and prosperity, particularly red coral, which is a stone of passion. Creativity and optimism are also qualities that coral brings out. Emotionally, coral brings inner peace, strength, and understanding of purpose. Physically coral is used in alternative crystal healing for general healing, blood and circulatory system issues, kidney, bladder, epilepsy, bone and bone marrow, eye problems, and the respiratory system.
Sacral chakra (sexual creativity)
Main issue: emotional, balance, sexuality, procreation.
Plexus/glands: T9-L4, lumbar plexus, sex organs, adrenals.
Related functions: sexual functions, elimination, water regulation.
Honors the creative.
Carnelian: Creativity, courage. Carnelian is an agate class of chalcedony that is a stone of creativity, individuality and courage. Like all agates, it has protection energies. It can aid memory, including recall of past lives. It can assist one in finding the right mate. It is also a stone of protection in general and from anger, jealousy and fear. In addition it can help with manifestation of one's desires, and brings good luck. Carnelian can help ease or remove sorrows. It also helps stabilize energies in the home. It is sometimes called the "actor's stone". Carnelian is associated with the root and sacral chakras. Physically, carnelian has been used in crystal healing to heal open sores, rejuvenate tissues and cells, rheumatism, kidney stones and other kidney problems, gall stones, colds, pollen allergies, and neuralgia. Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
Solar plexus chakra (wisdom power)
Main issue: personal power, self will.
Plexus/glands: T5-T9, solar plexus, pancreas.
Related functions: digestion, assimilation muscles.
Honors the life force.
Yellow Jade: In China, yellow jade symbolizes wealth, good fortune, friendship, and loyalty. Golden colored yellow jade is mostly used for artifacts. It is also made as jewelry, such as necklaces, and large round-beaded bracelets. Some believe that jade can help a range of ailments including problems with the kidney, heart, larynx, liver, parathyroid, spleen, thymus, thyroid, bladder, and even eyes. Yellow jade is thought to aid poor digestion.
Heart chakra (love healing)
Main issue: giving/receiving, love.
Plexus/glands: T1-5, cardiac plexus, heart/thymus
Related functions: electromagnetic field generator, blood pressure, immune.
Honors the heart.
Venturine: Green Aventurine is known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. Its winning energy makes it a great ally for boosting one’s chances in any situation - a first date, tax audit, even landing a promotion. One needs only to be near it to derive its benefits. This beautiful stone, however, is not merely an attractor of luck, but one that aligns conditions so “opportunity” is inevitable. Green Aventurine releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation, and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles. It also reinforces one’s decisiveness and amplifies leadership qualities, injecting a sense of humor and openness to the ideas of others
Throat chakra (communication)
Main issue: communication
Plexus/glands: pharyngeal plexus, thyroid para, thyroid plexus.
Related functions: metabolism and calcium regulation.
Honors communication.
Magnesite: Magnesite is a wonderful relaxing and calming stone to use in meditation, and it has the potential to aid you to create quite amazing changes in your life.
Third eye chakra (awareness)
Main issue: intuition, wisdom, creative, intelligence.
Plexus/glands: C1-2, carotid plexus, pineal gland, pituarity gland.
Related functions: hormonal/physiological regulation.
Honors the psychic.
Sodalite: Sodalite is a stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. It is helpful for work in groups and stimulates thought. Sodalite is a stone that is good for healing breaches in communication. It is a stone of truth, and brings this to all communications. It is called a Poet's Stone. It can help end arguments or other disagreements. It is particularly useful for honesty of emotions and love. It increases intelligence, knowledge and learning, and can unite the logical with the spiritual. Physically it is said in folklore and crystal healing to be beneficial for the glands, diabetes, digestive system, lymphatic cancer, relieving insomnia, and decreasing calcium deficiency. It is also used in crystal healing for quicker relief of head colds. Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information. Sodalite is associated with the throat and brow chakras.
Crown chakra (spirituality)
Main issue: spirituality, relationship to God, universal source
Plexus/glands: carotid plexus, pineal gland.
Related functions: circadian rhythms
Honors the spiritual connectedness.
Amethyst: Psychic, sobriety. Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to promote calm, balance, and peace. It is also used to eliminate impatience.
The red bead is Coral (root chakra)
The orange bead is Carnelian (sacral chakra)
The yellow bead is Yellow Jade (solar plexus chakra)
The green bead is Venturine (heart chakra)
The light blue bead is Magnesite (throat chakra)
The dark blue bead is Sodalite (third eye chakra)
The purple is Amethyst (crown charka)
The rest of the bracelet is made of Angel Aura Quartz (SO PRETTY)
I want to also include the symbolism of the chakras and crystals. I found SO many meanings for chakra's I'll include as much as I can.
Root chakra (basic trust)
Main issue: survival, physical needs, tribal, association.
Plexus/glands: L5-S5, lumbar and coccygeal plexus, adrenals.
Related functions: adrenals, fight/flight, response, bones/skeletal, structure.
Honors the earth.
Coral: Passion and nature. Coral is of organic origin. Coral can be used to reconnect with nature and its variety of wonders. Coral also attracts love and prosperity, particularly red coral, which is a stone of passion. Creativity and optimism are also qualities that coral brings out. Emotionally, coral brings inner peace, strength, and understanding of purpose. Physically coral is used in alternative crystal healing for general healing, blood and circulatory system issues, kidney, bladder, epilepsy, bone and bone marrow, eye problems, and the respiratory system.
Sacral chakra (sexual creativity)
Main issue: emotional, balance, sexuality, procreation.
Plexus/glands: T9-L4, lumbar plexus, sex organs, adrenals.
Related functions: sexual functions, elimination, water regulation.
Honors the creative.
Carnelian: Creativity, courage. Carnelian is an agate class of chalcedony that is a stone of creativity, individuality and courage. Like all agates, it has protection energies. It can aid memory, including recall of past lives. It can assist one in finding the right mate. It is also a stone of protection in general and from anger, jealousy and fear. In addition it can help with manifestation of one's desires, and brings good luck. Carnelian can help ease or remove sorrows. It also helps stabilize energies in the home. It is sometimes called the "actor's stone". Carnelian is associated with the root and sacral chakras. Physically, carnelian has been used in crystal healing to heal open sores, rejuvenate tissues and cells, rheumatism, kidney stones and other kidney problems, gall stones, colds, pollen allergies, and neuralgia. Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
Solar plexus chakra (wisdom power)
Main issue: personal power, self will.
Plexus/glands: T5-T9, solar plexus, pancreas.
Related functions: digestion, assimilation muscles.
Honors the life force.
Yellow Jade: In China, yellow jade symbolizes wealth, good fortune, friendship, and loyalty. Golden colored yellow jade is mostly used for artifacts. It is also made as jewelry, such as necklaces, and large round-beaded bracelets. Some believe that jade can help a range of ailments including problems with the kidney, heart, larynx, liver, parathyroid, spleen, thymus, thyroid, bladder, and even eyes. Yellow jade is thought to aid poor digestion.
Heart chakra (love healing)
Main issue: giving/receiving, love.
Plexus/glands: T1-5, cardiac plexus, heart/thymus
Related functions: electromagnetic field generator, blood pressure, immune.
Honors the heart.
Venturine: Green Aventurine is known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. Its winning energy makes it a great ally for boosting one’s chances in any situation - a first date, tax audit, even landing a promotion. One needs only to be near it to derive its benefits. This beautiful stone, however, is not merely an attractor of luck, but one that aligns conditions so “opportunity” is inevitable. Green Aventurine releases old patterns, habits and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change. It enhances one’s creativity and motivation, and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life’s obstacles. It also reinforces one’s decisiveness and amplifies leadership qualities, injecting a sense of humor and openness to the ideas of others
Throat chakra (communication)
Main issue: communication
Plexus/glands: pharyngeal plexus, thyroid para, thyroid plexus.
Related functions: metabolism and calcium regulation.
Honors communication.
Magnesite: Magnesite is a wonderful relaxing and calming stone to use in meditation, and it has the potential to aid you to create quite amazing changes in your life.
It has potent metaphysical properties, and its vibration is quite impressive. It may have an effect in various ways, depending on what you personally want and need at the time.
It is a strong stone for creative visualization and imagination, and it will aid the development of psychic visions of exceptional clarity.
It has a soothing vibration, and if you meditate with it, and specifically tune into the energy of your heart it will allow your mind to respond to the desires of the heart.
This aids you to live your life in alignment with your hearts needs and aspirations. Its vibration may help you to love yourself, and this will in most of you, increase your level of self esteem.
Third eye chakra (awareness)
Main issue: intuition, wisdom, creative, intelligence.
Plexus/glands: C1-2, carotid plexus, pineal gland, pituarity gland.
Related functions: hormonal/physiological regulation.
Honors the psychic.
Sodalite: Sodalite is a stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. It is helpful for work in groups and stimulates thought. Sodalite is a stone that is good for healing breaches in communication. It is a stone of truth, and brings this to all communications. It is called a Poet's Stone. It can help end arguments or other disagreements. It is particularly useful for honesty of emotions and love. It increases intelligence, knowledge and learning, and can unite the logical with the spiritual. Physically it is said in folklore and crystal healing to be beneficial for the glands, diabetes, digestive system, lymphatic cancer, relieving insomnia, and decreasing calcium deficiency. It is also used in crystal healing for quicker relief of head colds. Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information. Sodalite is associated with the throat and brow chakras.
Crown chakra (spirituality)
Main issue: spirituality, relationship to God, universal source
Plexus/glands: carotid plexus, pineal gland.
Related functions: circadian rhythms
Honors the spiritual connectedness.
Amethyst: Psychic, sobriety. Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to promote calm, balance, and peace. It is also used to eliminate impatience.
Amethyst is used as beneficial when dealing with legal problems and money issues, which can lead to prosperity and abundance, though it is not the best known prosperity stone.
In the psychic and spiritual realms, amethyst is an excellent all-purpose stone that can increase spirituality and enhance intuition and psychic powers of all kinds. It does this by making a clear connection between the earth plane and other planes and worlds. Amethyst is also excellent for meditation and lucid dreaming. It is used to open one's channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and communication with angels. Amethyst also protects against psychic attacks, especially during spiritual work.
Amethyst is not only a psychic protection stone, but is also used to protect one from thieves, and to protects travelers.
Emotionally, amethyst is used in crystal healing to help heal personal losses and grief, bringing one gently past. Amethyst has a gently sedative energy that ca promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. It also is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength. This stability and strength not only helps one hold firm in one's life, but it can enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength.
Amethyst is very well known -- as from the ancients -- as a sobriety stone. It has been used for millenia to prevent drunkenness, and is used to assist in getting rid of addictions to alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc, and destructive compulsive behaviors of all kinds.
Physically amethyst is said by spiritual healers and mystical lore to heal the withdrawal symptoms of any sort of addiction, help with headaches, insomnia, arthritis, diabetes, pain relief, circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, asthma, phobias, pregnancy and preventing miscarriage, menopause, PMS, and general healing.
Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
Amethyst is associated with the third eye and crown chakras primarily, but can also open the heart chakra. It is also associated with both air and water elements.
Angel Aura Quartz: Clear Quartz bonded with Platinum and Silver, sometimes Gold or other trace metals; exhibits a light blue, rainbow and silvery iridescence like the gossamer wings of angels. It carries a very loving and sweet energy, stimulating the spirit and elevating one’s mood. Meditating with this crystal allows one to enter a state of serenity and peace, purification and rest, and to go beyond the body to perceive and receive help from one’s angel guides. Angel Aura assists in remembering lessons from past incarnations and attuning to one’s spiritual purpose. It is a marvelous aid for recognizing beauty, from Nature and Spirit, from within, and in others. Use Angel Aura at the Throat Chakra for loving communications, in romantic pursuits, in caring for children and the aged, and in all healing situations. It may also be used to align and purify all chakras, allowing for the Rainbow Light Body activation and integration. Angel Aura is an all-healer, harmonizing one’s energy field with the physical body, and is thought to be particularly helpful for autism, Asperger’s syndrome and the nervous system. It is great for anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, and for use in Reiki healing, reflexology and shiatsu.
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