Thank you Tara
From Trusting Your Basic Goodness (Part 2).
A really good reflection and practice.
I've needed this, and need these reminders and ways of "tuning in" regularly.
Give it a try :)
That can be hurting others, an addictive pattern that you feel caught in, feeling like you are failing in a way that feels unforgivable from some flawed feeling inside of you, or anger/fear
When caught in there..
Bring to mind something that does help you to trust your goodness, your capacity to love, your capacity to trust, your honesty, your connectedness.. some situation whether with a certain someone, a spiritual practice, a certain experience, a setting.
Again, ask:
A really good reflection and practice.
I've needed this, and need these reminders and ways of "tuning in" regularly.
Give it a try :)
Think of a situation, that somewhat regularly doubts your goodness.
That can be hurting others, an addictive pattern that you feel caught in, feeling like you are failing in a way that feels unforgivable from some flawed feeling inside of you, or anger/fear
- makes you not trust who you really are.
When caught in there..
- What is it like?
- What is the feeling like in your body?
- How does your heart feel?
- What is like when you are with others? What is your capacity for presence, and open heartedness with others?
- How do you perceive others, when you are feeling bad about yourself, how do others appear to you?
- Do you see their goodness? Do they seem trust worthy?
- What is your sense of who you are?
Move your attention to a different situation.
Bring to mind something that does help you to trust your goodness, your capacity to love, your capacity to trust, your honesty, your connectedness.. some situation whether with a certain someone, a spiritual practice, a certain experience, a setting.
It is deeper than ego goodness. It is a deep sense of inherent benevolence, your aliveness, your consciousness.
Your deep intention is to wake up, and to love well.
When you get in touch with that, with the goodness of your aspiration of who you are..
When you know when you want to love and be loved, when you sense that innocence and purity and goodness..
- What does that feel like in your body?
- And in your heart?
- What is your capacity for presence with others when with them when you feel good about yourself in a deep way?
- How do you perceive others? What is the lens you are looking through?
- In the deepest way, what is the sense of who you are?
- What happens when you ask yourself "Who am I?"
Again, ask:
How would my life change, if I dedicated myself to perceiving and trusting this basic goodness and loving presence within? How might my life change?
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