Being a teacher

Flute teacher specifically. 

Having taught classrooms, individuals 1:1, and in group settings.. I have come to learn a lot about teaching and developing relationships. 

I have most experience teaching 1:1. I have gone through a lot of growth, hit many walls, and made many mistakes. In regards to the mistakes, I regret them, but at the same time am grateful that I made that necessary growth to happen by making the mistakes. We have to learn some way, sometimes the only way is by messing up. Makes me think of my personal relationships too, HA! Those are so personal to me, working on it working on it. Acceptance and patience are key. 

So messing up time to time - Is that not the learning experience needed for all skills in order to improve? With anything we do, don't we at times: try, fail, want to give up, try harder, not give up, affirm ourselves with the purpose, analyze.. blah blah blah ?

Teaching is something I'll be learning about forever. Even with our guys at Reid's Gift. 

I do pride myself (shame on me!) on my patience with my flute students. That used to not be the case. I used to be relentless and harsh time to time. I have filtered that out. I don't enjoy that or find it helpful, so I don't go about it in that manner. 

Just like with being empathetic and compassionate, we put ourselves in others shoes to understand their views, experience, and behavior. We should do this with all beings and try to understand. 

I put myself in the students' shoes. Harshness and toughness did not serve me. It was unproductive, and I felt unsafe and afraid to make mistakes (story of my life! anyone else?). I do not want my flute students to feel this way, ever. I try very hard, it is spontaneous now for me to see and experience what my flute children are experiencing. If I'm not sure I ask questions to understand. I ask questions anyway to not assume. I do my best to not push them away by making them feel stupid (I ALSO hate when people do that to me) but to fully understand how they feel so I can take the best approach and necessary steps for each one to be successful. Believe me, each student I have is quite different not just in personality and abilities, but difference in their outlook on progress, frustrations, success, work ethic, along with strengths in ways I was AND never strong in, and weak in ways I was AND also weak in. A LOT to try to understand. 

There are a lot of variables, a lot of possibilities and a lot of approaches. I observe, I sympathize, and I ask a lot of questions. I also love learning about each of their lives. I'm not kidding when I say they are my flute children, ok I kind of joke but I definitely mean it too. I care so much about each one of them, and most of them I have become close to the families too.. these relationships are authentic and meaningful. 

I love learning from other teachers, and learning from my students on how to be a better teacher and person. So thank you, all of you!

Sometimes my students will tell me things that their parents aren't aware of because they trust me (don't worry they are safe). Sometimes they joke with me, and we create our inside jokes together and have a grand old time. Sometimes we just make the most amazing music and touch into that spiritual part of why we love to play and express ourselves. Sometimes they are super invested, and go out of their way to ask me very specific questions because every detail matters and they know that (I LOVE THAT). 

Sometimes they get frustrated and cry, I do my best to make them feel better by expressing how hard it is to do what we do and how much I understand the frustration within from my experiences. Sometimes they don't practice and list reasons as to why they couldn't prioritize preparation for our lessons and I try to encourage better habits for success without talking down to them. Sometimes they forget that I am not a miracle worker (when they think lessons will solve the problems we already solved), as a reminder I do my best to let you know I am a guide and support. 

I show you the way, and you tie the knot between commitment/accountability and interest/passion - on your own. 

I got you. I always will. Just show me that you care about this. 

Teaching is one of my favorite things to do. Seeing my students brings me smiles and happiness. 

Every now and then, I may get disappointed in lack of work ethic/love for this - BUT, at the same time I understand. 

I was the kid that was encouraged by all to pursue music and get scholarships out of high school.. instead I told everyone it wasn't a priority and music became my major anyway years later. Ha ha, was I in DENIAl or what?

We should take pride in ALL that we do. 

Life is short, why not make it meaningful in every way?

Being a teacher has taught me a lot about acceptance, love, patience, sharing, being kind, and making others laugh and feel good about their accomplishments. That is what I want from teachers, so I provide my kiddos to the best of my abilities in ways I wish I was always treated and taught. 

I'm not resentful, at least anymore haha, I am just grateful I got a taste and a pretty good understanding since I was a kid (still learning now as an adult and always will be learning) to provide, serve, and be what they need on top of being open and accepting. 

Everyone needs a teacher and everyone needs a friend. Both in one? I LOVE that. I love nurturing relationships and learning to be better in that regard. I grew up moving so much, so sustaining friendships and important relationships is one of my toughest challenges even now, even though I long for this. 

I am also getting to know myself more deeply. I refuse to live in a trance of unconscious and conscious habits any longer - Recognize them, what the heck is going on like a hamster wheel or out of the ordinary. Allow them, it happening.. now ask why, which leads to.. Investigate and learn from them. Nurture all. With love, compassion and wisdom. 

Better to take the time to understand and heal than go on with this continuum. What better serves us and those in our lives?

I learn so much from my flute kids, thank YOU for teaching me so much. I learned so much from teaching in bigger groups like in classrooms, really grateful for that experience too. 

Just gotta be open about the need, the approach, and the inspiration we leave behind.. we ALSO need to really care. 

Even with our students - what do you want them to remember and carry with them throughout their lives having had known you, had known me?

Teachers matter. They really do. Be a good model, be a good example... express the way. 

Find it in yourself to serve yourself and others by being patient, present, accepting, giving, and passionate - not just with students or yourself, but with all beings. 

That is peace and that is fulfillment. 

"Pay it forward" 


"Pass it on"


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