FP class tonight was awesome
FP is the Foundation Program in Westlake at the Kadampa Buddhist Center. I love it, so so much. So grateful for this program.
We learned and reviewed a ton tonight. It was awesome, one of the best classes for me yet.
One of the biggest things that stuck with me is the importance of knowing the inner workings of our mind. Like the back of our hand.
I also enjoyed the part about unconsciousness. Reminded me of Joseph Campbell's circle; consciousness and the light of awareness.
By either : tapping in, taking a deeper look, time in nature, talking it out, meditating, journaling, etc....
We can understand the inner workings of our mind.
Only then, when we understand and accept what we find, can we have the blessings/transformation necessary to grow and to move forward. Here too, we can also distance and let go of what no longer serves us.
Let go, let go.
Abandon what doesn't serve and nurture virtuous thoughts, actions... and intention.
If we put our mind at our heart, only there, can we respond from a place of ultimate truth. Anything else is either from fear, conditioning, desire, reactivity, or laziness. Or something I forgot.
If we know better... shouldn't we do better?
For me anyway, this is where meditation helps me organize where my mind can go spontaneously - working on this response to the negative fearful varieties : "it's ok. Come back."
I'm working on it! I really really am.
And yes, IF we know better let's DO better.
By being awakened and aware, can we benefit not just ourselves but also others.
Not by giving instructions or advice, but by modeling. Model better. It benefits us individually, but also, benefits other sentient beings. By expressing true happiness and inner peace can we attract others who need inspiration and guidance.
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