Small summary of FP thus far

After every class we are assigned a reading, a meditation and contemplation to do throughout the week. 

Using the outline from the condensed meaning that includes my notes. 
From How to Understand the Mind: The Nature and Power of the Mind by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

Just completed class #4, and I love it. #3 we did a Puja, what a cool experience! My favorite part was the symbolism and ritual we did with the mandala. Aspiring for peace, love, and building upon that with a foundation of rice, building each level up, and presenting it as an offering of the universe. Originated from Tibetan Buddhism. This is Kadampa Buddhism. 

week 1

When we engage with objects , the minds are divided into two:
Conceptual minds
Non-conceptual minds

Definition of conceptual mind is a thought that apprehends its object through a generic image. 

There are five types of object:
Appearing (non-conceptual)
Observed (conceptual)
Engaged (conceptual)
Apprehended (conceptual)
Conceived (conceptual)

week 2

Definition of generic image is the appearing object of a conceptual mind. 

There are three types of conceptual mind:

  • Conceptual minds that perceive the generic image of an object mainly through the force of listening or reading
    • i.e. googled it, read about it
  • Conceptual minds that perceive the generic  image of an object mainly through the force of contemplating the meaning of that object
    • i.e. "head a story," wondering what they look like, contemplate, based on your understanding

  • Conceptual minds that perceive the generic image of an object mainly through the force of precious imprints.
    • "karmic legacy"
    • part of us when we are born

Twofold division of conceptual mind

  • Correct conceptual minds
    • believing 
  • Wrong conceptual minds
    • "conceived object"
    • i.e. starts shaving reflection 

week 3

Heruka puja 

week 4

Definition of a non-conceptual mind is a cognizer to which its object appears clearly without being mixed with a generic image.

Two types of non-conceptual mind:

  • Sense awareness 
    • There are five
    • Experience directly (not a generic image)
    • i.e. this laptop in front of me
  • Non-conceptual mental awarenesses
    • Can be conceptual or non-conceptual
    • There are three types of non-conceptual mental awareness:
    • Non-conceptual mental direct perceivers
      • Deeper concentration from the mind
      • i.e. "superhero" hightened awareness
    • Yogic direct perceivers
      • Emptiness
      • "Realization"
    • Non-conceptual mental awareness that are neither of these two
      • "Correct imagination
      • i.e. mental awareness in sleep (senses in dreams)
      • This is where we can learn to change our existing world into a pure land. 

Twofold division of non-conceptual mind:

  • Correct non-conceptual mind
    • Exists
  • Wrong non-conceptual mind
    • Doesn't exist. 
    • i.e. a cord that resembles a real snake, but it is not a snake


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