the "diamond in our pocket"

Hitting the spot, been ruminating lately. It is uncomfortable. Finding refuge and coming back.


The treasure we seek is closer than we can imagine. We are conditioned to think that what we are wanting is out there, that it is in another person, or an event we are waiting to happen (something good down the road, around the corner)..

We forget that what we are really longing for, that experience of love, experience of living fully, that is only possible in that present moment in our being. 

The spiritual path is one of forgetting and remembering. 

".. go fishing all their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after."

Every spiritual tradition has rituals and practices to help us remember. 

Buddha's teaching is around the three refuges, the Three Jewels. Gateways back to what we love. Three ways of paying attention of reconnecting with what we love. A homecoming. Moving away from this egoic contraption living in this limited self story back to a sense of real belonging. 

Dharma - the truth, the instructions, the present moment
Sangha - the spiritual community and the deepest way, refuge in our connectedness
Buddha - refuge in awareness itself, ever present luminous wakefulness that is right here

Pali word for faith is to rest your heart in what is true.

With each refuge, we learn to entrust ourselves to our pathway home. 

During times that do not really serves us, we can take refuge to come back. Use it as a signal when things are uncomfortable. We latch on to "false refuges" they are substitutes. 


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