Op. 109 1st Mvmt
By Beethoven.
One of my absolute favorite pieces to listen to. Always has been. I came across this over 10 years ago, and have been in love with the first (and last) movement since. In my little head when I first head the sonata in its entirety I always thought I could walk down the aisle listening to the 3rd movement, not sure if that will ever happen and honestly I could care less I was different ten years ago.
I love this music so much. The first movement, truth be told, I heard as a ringback tone on Verizon or something like that. Looked it up and yes fell in love with Beethoven piano sonatas. Had that ringback tone thing for YEARS. Loved it so much. Love the whole movement a ton. I think because of that exposure I've come to love and learn more and more about piano sonatas and concertos. Maybe it has to do with the first time I heard piano, which was my grandmother playing.. whatever it is I am so glad it crossed my path.
Music is part of me and will continue to be.
One of my absolute favorite pieces to listen to. Always has been. I came across this over 10 years ago, and have been in love with the first (and last) movement since. In my little head when I first head the sonata in its entirety I always thought I could walk down the aisle listening to the 3rd movement, not sure if that will ever happen and honestly I could care less I was different ten years ago.
I love this music so much. The first movement, truth be told, I heard as a ringback tone on Verizon or something like that. Looked it up and yes fell in love with Beethoven piano sonatas. Had that ringback tone thing for YEARS. Loved it so much. Love the whole movement a ton. I think because of that exposure I've come to love and learn more and more about piano sonatas and concertos. Maybe it has to do with the first time I heard piano, which was my grandmother playing.. whatever it is I am so glad it crossed my path.
Music is part of me and will continue to be.
"Nothing connects to the moment like music. I count on music to bring me back or, more precisely, to bring truth forward."
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