remembering our true will

From one of Tara's recent talks:

"On this field of light 
I'm alive im tender
There is no boundary
And everything in the world is part of me"

 Coming back home:
Home is our true selves, "not my body's will but my hearts will."

When you leave "home"..
forgive it, and then ask yourself:

"what am I really wanting?"

"what will that do for me?"

Is it to be loved? I usually find myself tracing back to that. I also trace my steps back to fear of rejection. 

Tuning in, stepping back, pausing and really investigating is so necessary. I'm learning more of the importance through experience and observation and it motivates me to practice or train more. More practice leads to more familiarity which leads to living, acting, and thinking from a place of the heart. "My hearts will." Hence more inner peace, acceptance, and an ability to love unconditionally. 

We gotta be flexible to who we are and know ourselves, ignorance sucks but our negative experiences are the flags hinting us (in an obvious way!) to figure something out.

There is nothing wrong with me and there is nothing wrong with you or anybody.

Trying to approach fears, agitations, anger, any negative emotion (when I am able to label it) from a place of wisdom and love. Definitely not feeling happiness when I'm obviously reacting from a sense of self/ego that is hurt or upset in some way. Emotions are intelligent but if not inquired upon, they can be irrational and damaging to ourselves and our relationships with others. Responding from the heart takes practice and time (and patience). I am definitely happier that way, being conditioned this way sucks but reconditioning is possible - it starts with step one and subsequent practice. When we "mess up" we must not respond from a place of anger, but rather wisdom. Inquire, contemplate, practice, and never give up.

Like a rose seed.. It has everything it needs to grow (water, sun, soil) yet it does not give up its will to grow and blossom when there is a lack time of some necessary nurturing source for growth. It does the best it can to live and bloom.

I love flowers. 

With our tough times too... no mud no lotus.



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