precious moments

Maybe meaningful, maybe painful, maybe possessing a lesson, or maybe conjuring a sense of oneness with others and or the universe. Maybe it is gratitude. Maybe a strong and clear reminder about who we want to be, or not want to be.. 

Moments are precious because they can never happen again in the same way. They are gone forever. Whatever meaning or understanding (if any).. moments come in plenty but each is quite rare. 

This time continuum and busy culture leads us to often lose our sense of "present." These events in time are "moments" because they spark our attention. They pull us in. Without our consideration (mindfulness), we remain preoccupied in a dull trance. 

We know not to judge a book by its cover, yet without taking the time to pause, moments are continuously overlooked. 

How sad is it to miss something special because we are stuck in something(s) that happened before now or predicting and planning whats to come. Same goes for opportunities to learn. How sad is it to miss learning from an experience, or a pattern we have, or understanding both sides to the coin because we choose to be stubborn and close minded because we think we are just so special, or we avert or ignore out of fear or lack of effort or concern. 

Both paths are tough, one though is easy in the beginning and has long term consequences in some way shape or form that will bite eventually. 

The other path takes a lot of thought and effort, but has the opposite effect. 

In order for something to grow.. we need to know what seed to plant. Without knowing what we want to cultivate, nothing will be cultivated. 

We mindfully choose what we want/need, and then we make the efforts to plant the seed and care for it. We don't beat the poor seed up for not growing faster or perfectly, for that will harm it's growth and maybe destroy any potentials it had. 

Instead, we take care of it. 

Morally, spiritually, physically, emotionally, intellectually... _______, ______, etc..

We cannot cultivate or grow in any way without treating each intention like trying to grow a plant from a tiny seed. 

To me, the seed comes from precious moments. 

I am inspired and I am reminded of my goals and aspirations. That is my seed and it happens in those rare moments of "awe." Not all moments will be like this. Being open minded so that one can clearly see these moments of "awe" and be able to purely see what this moment has to offer. The moments can offer many many things if we are awake and available to taking them in. This can be anything from inspiration to learning. A lesson that is beneficial to myself and others. 

Anything we spend our attention on that does not benefit any being, is something created from a distorted lens that needs to be abandoned. Nothing exists without showing us something. When it is not obvious, meditate on what its meaning may be. 

Precious moments 
(and not the cute little figurine gifts)


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