Daily Om reminding me again

Got this from my Daily Om daily horoscope. Self care and reflection are so key for well being and stability. Take breaks.

I'm learning the important of this later in life, maybe sooner then others. Better then never. No matter how self less your work is, or  how productive you want to be... make time for self care. I'm learning about that entails me for me.

"...When we resurrect the practice of regularly taking time to nurture ourselves, we ensure that our individual needs are always met and that our lives are infused with balance. Society can demand so much from us, leaving us with little time to relax and renew between bouts of activity. In making periods of rejuvenation a regular part of our schedules, we struggle against the modern tendency to put the self last. We can then rejuvenate our mental and physical energy when we need to without feeling guilty for overlooking other vital duties. Since we recognize the importance of well-being, we can make the quest to attain serenity a priority in our lives. The time you spend seeing to your own inner- and outer-world needs today will energize you and enable you to relax."


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